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Wednesday 24 August 2011

Avoir Magazine Giving Free 4GB Pendrive and AVOIR Magazine for 1000 Members

Register now to get FREE 4GB PENDRIVE and also Free AVOIR magazine catalogue on November..
For FIRST 1000 Fans who registered

First, Like their Facebook Fans Page HERE

Secondly, send a friend request to their profile

Finally, Fill in the member registration form here

They will let you know through their profile account if you are the lucky 1000 member who get the free gift

Share it out fast with your friend!

RM400 AirAsia Vouchers. Subscribe and win!
Here come the Petronas ads upon Merdeka Celebration again~
It's time for a table! Click HERE to know what it is!
An Ideal Snack To Munch On Should Be Monstrously Delicious!
I look so scary in this App...
Super Addictive Street Conquering & Defence Game! Play Here
Tropic Gang's latest video! Like and Comment to support Malaysian people sharing crazy stuff on YouTube!

Don’t forget your loved ones this Ramadhan.

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